ElRetreteRosa Tv Looking for German Feedback
La Brigada RRosa ( The Pink Brigade ) Going to BERLIN
ElRetreteRosa tv ( ThePinkToilet tv ) is the only performative television in Spain and The only internet Television project made with mobile phones and video cameras broken. edited with a portable computer. We work on Creative Commons licensed.
Hi to every German Artist, Arts Espaces, Arts projects,Artistic Community,Galeries and Artistic colectives of performance world!!
Hi to everybody, men and woman from Berlin!!!
Here, we are the Pink Brigade (Brigada RRosa) of The Pink Toilet Tv, a new
crazy Tv program created especially for MPA-B ,we will work in English.
We know that MPA-B programming is closed, but we don't need a place to present actions, we are not looking for that!
We are a Performatic television and we try to cover the MPA-B for a week
and film an special program from Berlin, with The director, broadcaster and cameraman Pedro
Alba aka CIUDADANO KANTINAS and two more reporters, Blanka Palamós i Claramunt
aka BLANKA CON K and Paco Nogales aka ROSITA NOGALES.
The link you can see our TV: http://elretreterosa.blogspot.com.es
The link of the Pink Brigade : http://elretreterosa.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/la-brigada-rrosa-lets-go-to-berlin-in.html
- A place to sleep and eat.
- We will cover our travel.
- Distribution of MPA-B artist and participants espaces through the PINk toilet TV with a special
program from Berlin,
- And to the space, project or artist group that will adopt our project, we can offer infinite variety of options, like:
* Include the project in prominent position wihtin the program.
* Make a free workshop of two days of "Teleperformance".
* An interview featured an artist you will we propose us.
* An Action of Brigade Rosa in space ( Blanka con K (Blanka Palamós
Claramunt i), Rosita Nogales ( Paco Nogales) and Ciudadano Kantinas
(Pedro Alba))
* An InternationalResidence for exchange for a German artist (under the same conditions) in the
ElRetreteRosa Laboratory tv // in La Riera de Gaia (TARRAGONA) Catalunya. http://elretreterosa.blogspot.com.es/p/le-petite-toilette.html
ElRetreteRosa Laboratory tv // in La Riera de Gaia (TARRAGONA) Catalunya. http://elretreterosa.blogspot.com.es/p/le-petite-toilette.html
* An International Residence for exchange for a German artist (under the same
conditions) in the El Bokeron in BOKACCIÓN // in CADALSO DE LOS VIDRIOS
(MADRID) Spain.
http://bokaccion.blogspot.com.es/p/residencias.html* Ask us for another ideas, because we are willing to infinite things!
So here we leave all the information, we believe it is interesting that
the MPA-B is present in everyone and that's our action!
We hope that with your help everything is possible!
You Could contact with Us, at: elretreterosa@pedroalba.com
Thank you very much for everything, waiting for your answer
a huge hug from the Mediterranean
The Pink Brigade
The Pink toilet Tv
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